The Lighthouse

Data & Insights

Do you need the latest data to support your social media planning? We have gathered all the top sources of insight you need.

Thousands of free reports that help you make sense of what people are really doing online. Includes global overviews, local insights and specialist reports.

Leading provider of market and consumer data. Includes digital & trend reports plus industry specific reports.

Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research.

Online Nation, from Ofcom,  is an annual report that looks at what people are doing online, how they are served by online content providers and platforms, and their attitudes to and experiences of using the internet.

UCAS Media’s annual report into student lifestyles, and use of social media.

Uncover the latest social media marketing trends based on the most recent platform benchmark data from Socialbakers. Choose your industry or region to get the key quarterly insights on social media performance.

An index of the most Socially Devoted brands – see who has the fastest responses to questions and the most positive social sentiment.

Put Google research and insight behind your thinking.

People use Pinterest to find tomorrow’s ideas. Pinterest Predicts isn’t your typical trend report. It’s a not-yet-trending report. A window into the future from the platform where people go to plan it.

Discover each month the most popular topics that grew on Facebook and Instagram. Explore topics by country, platform and month, and then use these insights to craft relevant messaging, inform seasonal strategies and stay current with culture – and your audience.

Filter, find, download and share the latest stats from FacebookIQ.

The 14th annual social media study from Social Media Examiner reveals insights and trends from more than 4,300 marketers.

Analysis pieces, trackers and surveys – based on data collected about or relating to social media.

Discover key insights, trends, and research on the marketing landscape today. Includes the opportunity to explore audience behaviour on LinkedIn.

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Submit it to us and we’ll review it. If it’s great, we’ll feature it here!

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